Cognitive benefits of playing video games

And they say video games rot your brain

Many studies have linked video games to violent tendencies and behaviour, social isolation and the inability to interact with others in real life and even physical problems like obesity and vision issues. However, there are many cognitive benefits from playing video games, for both youth and adults.

Here are five cognitive benefits of playing video games:

  • Strategy creation: Most video games require the player to work out a strategy on short notice for a variety of reasons including defeating the boss or destroying a structure in a short amount of time. This means players need to be able to take in their surroundings and make a quick analysis to ensure they take the best course of action.
  • Problem Solving: If you’ve played any of the Uncharted or Legend of Zelda games you would know that there are games with somewhat complicated problems to solve. Most video games like to throw challenges in the way that require players to think of a solution, sometimes within a time limit.
  • Reaction time and accuracy: Shooting and war games in particular allows players to develop their accuracy and reaction-time skills as enemy characters can suddenly appear in ahead of you or from an angle that isn’t always apparent. The player needs to be able to quickly respond and have accurate aim in order to stay alive.
  • Attention and vigilance: Imagine being on a battlefield; there are numerous things that can distract you and enemies all around you. Attention and vigilance is a required skill in this situation.
  • Memory: Almost all games require the player to receive the information on the storyline objective and instructions early in the game and commit them to memory. Players also need to remember where the buttons are on the controller as well as what each button (or combination of buttons) is for.

Here are a few additional benefits of playing video games:

  • Curbing food cravings: Playing video games really requires a lot of focus. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun and it’s very easy to get sucked into the game you’re playing, making it easy to forget about sugar-cravings for a few hours longer.
  • New ways to socialise: Mass-multiplayer online games (MMOs) allow people to connect and work together to solve problems. It has been shown that these games are the catalyst for online friends to meet in person.

Despite the cognitive benefits, we do admit that sitting in front of a computer or TV screen for too long can cause health issues, including migraines from intense concentration and eye strain. Make sure you take regular breaks so you don’t strain your eyes and get the chance to stretch your limbs – unless you’re playing Nintendo Wii games, PlayStation VR games or Just Dance. In those situations you should sit down to rest; we’re sure you did more than enough exercise.